Getting our Sheep Summer Ready
As we reach May and June, the time comes for our small flock of sheep to have their annual haircut, ensuring they stay cool and healthy as the temperature rises. This year we were able to run 2 days of educational events for local children, where we were joined by 100 children for two neighbouring schools, along with 15 children from a local home-schooling network.
Year 4 from Osmani Primary School watching the shearing demonstration
Twiglet having her haircut
Each group was treated to a sheep shearing demonstration, packed with lots of information about why sheep need shearing and what makes wool so special, and the children asked some excellent questions like what would the sheep do if there wasn't a farmer to help them. Afterwards the groups moved on to our spinning station, where crafters from the Spinning and Weavers Guild showed them what happens to fleece after it comes off the sheep and talked about all the steps involved in making yarn from the fleece.
The children ended their sessions with a hands on weaving activity in the tent, learning how to weave a little coaster to take away with them. This required a lot of patience and some good hand-eye coordination, resulting in some lovely coasters being created.
Learning about spinning the fleece into yarn
Having a go at weaving a coaster
The groups went away with a better understanding of how important natural materials like wool are, and the wide variety of uses that wool can have in our homes and gardens. The sheep were also thrilled with their new haircuts!
These events were kindly funded by the Worshipful Company of Woolmen.
- Emma Pooley, Farmyard Assistant